Thursday, January 8, 2015

Training Plan

From all the reading I have done, it seems to be common sense that strength training is the best way to burn fat.  That said, for my training plan, I plan on doing the 5/3/1 workout developed by Jim Wendler.  I like the idea behind the training focusing on major compound lifts still gives me the flexibility to do other exercises.  The exercises are more practical strength building and the routine keeps the work outs from becoming monotonous.  Also, I feel this workout fits in with the kaizen principle buy adding weight or reps every workout so you are continually getting stronger and improving.

My current plan is to do 5/3/1 workout 4 days a week:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.  The compound exercises are standing shoulder press, dead lift, bench press and squat.  I haven't decided completely on which assistance work exercises I plan on doing.  Along with the 5/3/1 workout, at least one day a week I plan to do some yoga (Why Dudes Should Do Yoga) and once the weather warms up I am planning to do some hill sprints a couple times a week on work out days.
Aside from proper nutrition, there’s nothing more effective than hill sprints for fat loss. And if you’re not doing them you’re missing out on huge benefits. Don’t waste your time on cardio machines. They suck. Get outside and find a hill instead.
-Jason Ferrugia, Hill Sprints for Fat Loss
Now that I have a plan set, I went to the gym to find my max weights for the compound exercises.  Seeing as I haven't lifted weights, or exercised really, in 3 years I was expecting pretty low numbers on the max weights.

Standing Shoulder Press - 135lbs
Dead Lift - 275lbs
Bench - 200lbs
Squat - 205lbs

I am not real familiar with what is or isn't a good amount for weight, but I am assuming those are relatively low, although 200lbs is the most weight I have ever bench pressed.

I am planning on tracking my training weights, sets and reps on this blog every time I train and looking forward to seeing those numbers improve.  If you are interested in the 5/3/1 workout, you can see the FAQ's here or do a google search and download the book for free.

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