Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Year Evolution

Our evolution does not begin on a certain day or commence at a given time; nor does it coincide with convenience. It does not concern itself with the opinions of others, nor does it abide by the rules and regulations laid down and thus enforced by societal expectation and social obligation.  
Nature is our only authority; and her laws the only mandate in which our evolutionary process adheres.
Our physical bodies will reap the benefits; as we commit to not only strengthening ourselves through conventional exercise within the gymnasium; but so to as we continuously strive to reestablish our inherent physicality by reforging our bodies and thus fashioning them into savage instruments of primal expression; by working the land, working with the land and working with what ever implements, obstacles and challenges the land - courtesy of nature - provides.

- Mitchell Strength, New Year Evolution 

25 min walk

Hill Sprints
Vic Park Hill6

Limber 11

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