Sunday, January 17, 2016

In Defiance of Domestication

I want war- I want total war - I want to rage against an enemy that sees me as nothing more than a potential buyer - a candidate for market research - another good little boy whom by promising to obey the rules and regulations and accept all the terms and conditions is thus integrated into the system.

The same system that is always one more law away from freedom, one more human-right away from equality and one more pharmaceutical drug away from health.

All around me there is endless noise - the mindless chit-chat of talking-heads that spew from their mouths nothing but recycled trash verbatim.

I desire to discuss art, literature and philosophy - put forth my own questions and in turn share my own answers. Instead I’m subjected to irrelevant statements pertaining to mundane events that history shall soon forget.

I desire to make quiet my mind by eliminating all sources of white-noise that threaten to distract and entertain me as I make savage my body by the forging of iron with flesh - resulting in a heaving mass of bone, muscle and sinew - able to withstand and prevail over what ever forces of resistance are thrust upon it. 


30 min walk


Limber 11

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