Saturday, November 21, 2015

4th Cycle: Week 2 Weigh In & Review

Starting Measurements
Weight - 240lbs

Today's Measurements
Weight - 219lbs

I had a pretty good week.  Didn't lose any weight according to the scale but had a couple people this week tell me I am looking leaner.  I have to think its the creatine still, but who knows.  My diet was ok this week, but I can tell its getting to the tough stage.  I am getting tired of eating soup for lunch.  I need to find another healthy-ish option that I like to keep this going.

I've added a couple things this week to try to make myself 1% better.  I started taking ice baths (haven't gotten up to putting ice in yet, the cold water is pretty damn cold) and adding 1 set of pullups at the end of deadlift and squat days.  I signed up for the Savage Race and did a little reading about them and decided to add some more consistent conditioning to my weekly plan.  Not 100% sure on how often or when exactly I am going to do it, but I am starting to run 400m "sprints."  I use the quotes because its not really a sprint, especially at the end.  In the T Nation article, Running Man, they author talks about how the 400m will improve conditioning, lean you out and not take away from strength goals.

Gotta keep pressing forward.  Make savage the body.



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