Saturday, February 20, 2016

Progress Requires Effort

If you choose to live a particular way, you will almost certainly perform in a corresponding particular way. Common sense, to many, but seemingly not so to some. 
If you drink two or three IPA's a night, or half a bottle of wine, and eat some bread and maybe a few cookies during the day, unless you are a genetically gifted twenty-something, you are going to look and perform a particular way.  It's not a wrong way, and probably works just fine for those that choose to be casual and soft. 
However, if your appearance and/or performance elicit frustration, look no further for culprit than your free-will choice of comfort over progress and momentary emotional gratification over long-term personal satisfaction. 
Not a call-to-arms for a fun-free lifestyle or diet by any means... Just a simple reminder that real priorities need to be clearly identified and catered to and not just when it's convenient. 
If something is only important to you in the moments after you fail at it, then it is not a priority, and you deserve no sympathy for your shortcoming. 

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