Starting Measurements
Weight - 240lbs
Waist - 47"
Chest - 45.5"
Shoulders - 50.5"
Biceps - 14"
Thighs - 24.5"
Start Back Up Measurements
Weight - 235lbs
Waist - 44"
Neck - 17.25″
Biceps - 15″
Thighs - 24″
Body Fat % - 29.6%
Today's Measurements
Weight - 220lbs
Waist - 41"
Neck - 17.5"
Biceps - 15"
Thighs - 23.5"
Body Fat % - 27.93%
So I took a pretty long break. Not sure why I stopped working out. Pretty pissed about it. I started back up at the end of August. Looking at where I am now compared to my last entry here makes my time off even more frustrating. I can tell that I am as strong if not stronger than when I left off, but the fat is up. Since I restarted, I've been going consistently since then but was using another site for my updates and tracking. After two months, I am back to here. I like this site better. I have more options as far as design and lay out go, plus I have a lot of history.
As far as the workout plan goes, its the same as before for the most part. I've switched some exercises around to different days and added a couple more. I started with a lower workout max for deadlift and squat. I was having issues with back pain when I started originally, nothing of the sort this time around. I've also been going in the evenings, so its been a lot easier to get to the gym.
I'm not where I want to be but I know every day I am taking steps in the right direction. Steps to civilize the mind and make savage the body.