Saturday, January 31, 2015

Week 3 Weigh In & Review

Starting Measurements
Weight - 240lbs
Waist - 47"
Chest - 45.5"
Shoulders - 50.5"
Biceps - 14"
Thighs - 24.5"
Calves - 16.5"

Today's Measurements
Weight - 232lbs
Waist - 44"
Chest - 44.5"
Shoulders - 48"
Biceps - 14"
Thighs - 24.5"
Calves - 16.5"

Blood Pressure

Week 3 has come to an end.  This was a good week for me.  I got my first three workouts in no sweat.  The big issue was going to be yesterdays workout.  I had a work dinner at a nice steak house and went to town.  Woke up Friday morning feeling like dog shit.  Got to the gym and got my work in.  That's big for me.  In the past, I was the guy who'd skip a workout for any reason.  I'm really digging the 5/3/1 workout.  I feel like I am getting stronger week by week, but I am not killing myself where I can barely get through the rest of the day and I think that has kept me coming back.

As far as the workouts go, I have been experiencing some lower back pain on deadlift and squat days.  It could be that my back is really weak or it could be bad form.  To play it safe, I'm planning on getting a 1 on 1 training session in the next week or two to have a trainer make sure my form is correct so I don't get injured.  Can't get stronger and leaner if you can't workout.

As good as my workouts were, my diet was not great.  I had a huge dinner Thursday which I knew would be a lot of calories, but the rest of the week was kind of sloppy.  Too many carbs one day, too many calories another.  I need to focus on my diet to make this transformation happen a little quicker.

This past week, I started listening to the Jay Ferruggia Show and in one episode they were talking about setting specific goals.  That got me thinking to what my goals are.  Losing weight is generic and even if I have a weight goal in mind, I am not sure if that weight will be a good weight considering I am adding on muscle.  My general goals are to lose fat, get stronger and functionally stronger(I don't want to be strong but useless) and do it all without running more than 100 yards in one go.  To help me hit those general goals, I've come up with specific goals to give me something to shoot for.
  1. I will continue the 5/3/1 workout for 6 months.
  2. I want to do at least one sprint(hills or incline treadmill) workout a week.
  3. Hike a trail with my kids at least once a month.
  4. I will do 5 continuous pull-ups by 12/31/15.
  5. I will do 10 continuous dips by 12/31/15.
  6. I will read 10 books by 12/31/15
  7. I want to fit into 36 waist pants by 12/31/15.
Monday I will be starting the workout cycle over.  This cycle I will be adding weight to most of my exercises.  I am going to maintain my squat weight for another cycle to make sure I hone in my skill and am considering lowering my deadlift weight for the same reason.

I am also considering cutting back on sets/reps on my assistance lifts(3 sets/10 reps) and adding one more exercise each day to help increase my functional strength.  I will be adding pushups on Military Press day, Ab Wheel Roll Outs on Deadlift day, Biceps curls on Bench Press Days, and Single Legs RDLs on Squat days.  I will also be adding incline treadmill sprints at the end of every workout.  I will be using the plan laid out in the article, Cardio for Strong People.  And for mobility, I will be doing the Limber 11 a couple times a week.  Improving every day.  Trying to become the best me I can.

Time Incline   Speed
33 mins1%3.1mph

Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 3 Day 5

Weight         Reps
135lbs(75%) 5
155lbs(85%) 3
175lbs(95%) 4

Leg Raises
Sets Reps
3 10

Back Extensions
Sets      Reps
5 10

Time Incline   Speed
30 mins1%3mph

Squat Max - 205lbs
Squat Workout Max - 185lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Week 3 Day 4

Bench Press       
Weight         Reps
135lbs(75%) 5
155lbs(85%) 3
170lbs(95%) 5

DB Military Press 
Weight Sets     Reps
15lbs 5 15

Weight Sets      Reps
180lbs 5 10

Ez Bar Curls  
Weight Sets      Reps
55lbs 1 10

Farmer's Walks

Bench Max - 200lbs
Bench Workout Max - 180lbs

Caloric Intake
673 + Precinct

Carbohydrate Intake

*assisted dip machine

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding

"Every day, I hear someone say, 'I'm too fat. I need to lose 25 pounds, but I can't. I never seem to improve.' I'd hate myself if I had that kind of attitude, if I were that weak. I can lose 10-40 pounds rapidly, easily, painlessly, by simply setting my mind to it. By observing the principles of strict discipline that bodybuilding taught me, I can prepare myself for anything." — Arnold Schwarzenegger 
A guy I work with overheard me talking the about starting to workout the other day and recommended this book to me.  I told him I had no interest in being a bodybuilder but he insisted.  I was planning on getting in online but I found a copy in my basement.  From reading a couple articles and watching this video, it seems like it has some pretty useful info in it, plus its Arnold.  I was looking for a book to read, might as well turn through this one and learn more about strength training.

Time Incline Speed
30 mins1%3mph

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

North of Vag

"North of Vag—this is more than a style of lifting or training. It's a way of life. This has taken off and become a rallying cry for people frustrated with the emasculation of society. This emasculation has made its way into the lifting world, and I will fight like hell to get it out. There are now people writing, talking, teaching, instructing, and coaching strength that have none. There are people who have marginalized strength training, trivialized squatting and deadlifting, and somehow convinced others that strength isn't important. Why? Because they aren't strong. They don't have the desire to be strong. They don't have the discipline to put a heavy bar on their backs or the guts to pull something heavy. -Jim Wendler"

Week 3 Day 2

Weight         Reps
185lbs(75%) 5
210lbs(85%) 3
235lbs(95%) 1

Weight Sets     Reps
20lbs 3 10

Lat Pull Down
Weight Sets      Reps
70lbs 5 10

Deadlift Max - 275lbs
Deadlift Workout Max - 250lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Monday, January 26, 2015

Week 3 Day 1

Military Press
Weight Reps
90lbs(75%) 5
115lbs(85%)* 3
115lbs(95%) 4

Incline DB Press
Weight Sets     Reps
25lbs 5 15

Dumbbell Row
Weight Sets      Reps
30lbs 5 10

Farmer's Walks

Time       Incline      Speed
30 mins 1% 3mph

Military Press Max - 135lbs
Military Press Workout Max - 122lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

*When I put the weight on for the 2nd set, I added wrong and put too much on.  Better than not enough.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Fuck Cardio

One of my goals in my kaizen as far as getting in shape was to do it without running for than 100 yards at a time.  Back in high school, I could run for days.  I had a 2 mile time of 11:36.  I ran and ran and ran to stay in shape for soccer.  It was nothing.  I was in pretty good shape running wise.  Now that I have gotten older(and heavier), the idea of running miles is less appealing.  So during my time researching workout plans, I came across several articles talking about how made long sustained cardio is not and efficient use of time or energy to lose fat and build muscle. It can actually be detrimental on both fronts.  Articles such as Why Cardio Sucks… And What to do Instead or How to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle or The Best Damn Cardio Article - Period and Regular Cardio Will Make You Fat give you more details and specifics about why long steady cardio is not good for you.

That said, I was looking for something to help build my stamina but not hinder my strength training goals.  Two things I am across:  Walking and Sprinting.  Hill Sprints in particular. Since I am still way overweight, I decided to start slow and build up to sprinting and hill sprinting (I have already found a nasty hill to run up).  I needed to get a game plan for walking.  How often, how far, how fast, etc.  Browsing the web today, I came across an article by Tim Henriques entitled Get Ripped. Get Walking.  Tim lays out some benefits of walking and then lays out a pretty good plan, especially for someone like me who doesn't like ambiguity with plans.  Tell me what to do, when to do it and how long to do it for and I'll get it done.  I'll be adding this to my weekly regiment 4 days a week which I started today.

Thanks to guys like Jason Ferruggia, Nate Miyaki and Tim Henriques for giving me ways to lose fat without having to run miles and miles.

Time       Incline      Speed
30 mins 1% 3mph

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 2 Weigh In & Review

Starting Weight

Today's Weight

Blood Pressure

This week went pretty well.  The weight keeps coming off.  I am hoping that since I am working out, its fat and not muscle.  I am liking this workout plan.  I don't spend all day in the gym, but I can tell I am getting stronger already.  Exercises I struggled with last week, were easier this week.  I was able to get a little yoga in on Wednesday morning, something I hope to expand on going forward.  I also got two 2-mile walks in this week.  Never imagined I would be so tired from walking two miles, although the giant hill at the end of the walk may have had something to do with that.

Moving forward, I am wanting to increase my activity this week.  I am planning to step up the yoga, do a longer more intense session on Wednesday and also I am going to get more walking in along with a possible hill sprint session next weekend, depending on the weather.  I am also making another change in the exercises.  Instead of the decline situps, I am going to start doing hanging leg raises.  They work the abs still but don't put a lot of stress on my spine/back.  I am also going to change the dumbbell bench press to the incline dumbbell bench press, the incline will work a different part of my chest.

15 mins

Time       Incline      Speed
30 mins 1% 3mph

Are Saunas the Next Big Performance-Enhancing “Drug”?

For the most part, people don’t like to get hot.

The massive indoor climate control systems and pleasantly chilled water fountains found in most gyms speak to this fact. There are some exceptions — Bikram yoga, for example — but they’re few and far between.

But here’s the surprise: increasing your core temperature for short bursts is not only healthful, it can also dramatically improve performance.

This is true whether it’s done in conjunction with your existing workout or as an entirely separate activity. I’m going to explain how heat acclimation through sauna use (and likely any other non-aerobic activity that increases core body temperature) can promote physiological adaptations that result in increased endurance, easier acquisition of muscle mass, and a general increased capacity for stress tolerance. I will refer to this concept of deliberately acclimating yourself to heat, independent of working out, as “hyperthermic conditioning.”

I’m also going to explain the positive effects of heat acclimation on the brain, including the growth of new brain cells, improvement in focus, learning and memory, and ameliorating depression and anxiety. In addition, you’ll learn how modulation of core temperature might even be largely responsible for “runner’s high” via an interaction between the dynorphin/beta-endorphin opioid systems.

Check out the rest of the article written by Rhonda Perciavalle Patrick, Ph.D., Are Saunas the Next Big Performance-Enhancing “Drug”?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week 2 Day 5

Weight         Reps
130lbs(70%) 3
150lbs(80%) 3
165lbs(90%) 8

Decline Sit Ups
Sets Reps
3 10

Back Extensions
Sets      Reps
5 10

Squat Max - 205lbs
Squat Workout Max - 185lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Week 2 Day 4

Bench Press       
Weight         Reps
125lbs(70%) 3
145lbs(80%) 3
160lbs(90%) 9

DB Military Press 
Weight Sets     Reps
15lbs 5 15

Weight Sets      Reps
180lbs 5 10

Farmer's Walks

 2 mile Walk

Bench Max - 200lbs
Bench Workout Max - 180lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

*assisted dip machine

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

This Dude Started Doing Yoga

Today is an "off" day in my weight training program.  I am feeling pretty sore after yesterdays deadlift workout, so I decided to sleep a little longer than normal and then do some yoga.  I haven't done any kind of yoga before so I found this beginner yoga video to start off slow.  The dude is kind of goofy but the video worked pretty well.  I feel a little looser this morning.  I've read a couple articles about yoga and it seems like it can't hurt doing it a couple times a week.  Check out the article, Why Dudes Should Do Yoga, to find out how it can benefit you. 
"Yoga hasn't been used for thousands of years by women only. It’s not just for old people that live in Asia. It’s actually a tool that’s helped millions of men, monks, and—yes—even elite athletes find their focus, get strong, and discover their ultimate ability."

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Week 2 Day 2

Weight         Reps
175lbs(70%) 3
200lbs(80%) 3
225lbs(90%) 4

Weight Sets     Reps
20lbs 3 10

Lat Pull Down
Weight Sets      Reps
70lbs 5 10

Deadlift Max - 275lbs
Deadlift Workout Max - 250lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Monday, January 19, 2015

Week 2 Day 1

Military Press
Weight Reps
85lbs(70%) 3
95lbs(80%) 3
110lbs(90%) 8

Dumbbell Press
Weight Sets     Reps
25lbs 5 15

Dumbbell Row
Weight Sets      Reps
30lbs 5 10

Farmer's Walks

Military Press Max - 135lbs
Military Press Workout Max - 122lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Sunday, January 18, 2015

39 Ways to Not be Like Everyone Else

The reasoning behind this blog is mostly to track my physical workouts to make sure there is improvement in that aspect of my life.  I am striving to be better today than I was yesterday and better tomorrow than I am today.  Jason Ferrugia wrote a pretty good article a couple years ago, 39 Ways to Not be Like Everyone Else, that I read from time to time to keep me on track or get me back on track.
"There's always an easy way out.  
You can always live a live of mediocrity and unhappiness and do what everyone else does.  Or you can choose to not be like everyone else.  
You can choose the road less traveled.  
How do you do that?"
He has some good advice in here, definitely worth reading.  One of my favorites:  27)  Have sex three times per week, minimum.  Preferably with hot chicks.

2 mile walk

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Week 1 Weigh In & Review

Starting Weight

Today's Weight

Blood Pressure

This week went pretty well.  Glad to see I lost some weight.  I also decided I need to track my blood pressure as well.  As you can see its higher than it should be, so improving on that and therefore tracking it is important.

I was sore most of the week, but that was expected.  Looking forward to getting back to the gym Monday.  I am planning on making one change with the workout.  On Friday, my main exercise is Squats.  I plan on finding another assistance exercise to replace the turkish get up.  I am thinking of replacing it with back extensions or single leg romanian dead lift to give me a solid lower back exercise.  I am also planning to include walking daily to get a little bit of cardio until I lose a little more weight and start hill sprints.

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week 1 Day 5

Weight         Reps
120lbs(65%) 5
140lbs(75%) 5
160lbs(85%) 8

Decline Sit Ups
Sets Reps
3 10

Turkish Get Ups
Weight Sets      Reps
10lbs 1 5

Squat Max - 205lbs
Squat Workout Max - 185lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Week 1 Day 4

Bench Press       
Weight         Reps
115lbs(65%) 5
135lbs(75%) 5
155lbs(85%) 7

DB Military Press 
Weight Sets     Reps
15lbs 5 15

Weight Sets      Reps
180lbs 5 10

Bench Max - 200lbs
Bench Workout Max - 180lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

*assisted dip machine

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Whey Wednesday

Whey protein powder is as close as it gets to a "required supplement" for anyone looking to build muscle, gain a performance edge, drop body fat, or enhance overall health and wellness.
Whey does everything for you, it seems, short of unracking the barbell and bagging that gorgeous cardio-bunny's phone number.
So how does it work? How much is enough? And should you be using it?
Yes, is the simple answer to the third question. The first two, however, will require some explaining. So let's unscrew the cap on everyone's favorite supplement and take a closer look at the wonders of whey protein.
You can read more about whey protein in these two articles, The Protein BibleWhey to Transform: Your Expert Guide to the Premier Muscle Building Protein, and this Q&A.  They both do a pretty good job explaining why you need protein and how to best go about taking it.

Today was an off day work out wise.  Back at it tomorrow.

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Week 1 Day 2

Weight         Reps
160lbs(65%) 5
190lbs(75%) 5
210lbs(85%) 6

Weight Sets     Reps
20lbs 3 10

Lat Pull Down
Weight Sets      Reps
70lbs 5 10

Deadlift Max - 275lbs
Deadlift Workout Max - 250lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 1 Day 1

Military Press
Weight Reps
80lbs(65%) 5
90lbs(75%) 5
105lbs(85%) 6

Dumbbell Press
Weight Sets     Reps
25lbs 5 15

Dumbbell Row
Weight Sets      Reps
30lbs 5 10

Farmer's Walks

Military Press Max - 135lbs
Military Press Workout Max - 122lbs

Caloric Intake

Carbohydrate Intake

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Starting Measurements

I read a lot of articles on the internet.  Some good, some bad.  Some helpful, some confusing.  One thing I've read several times from different sources regarding losing fat/getting stronger is to track everything:  reps, weight, calories, measurements.  It's said that which is measured gets improved.  That said, I have a couple body measurements I plan on tracking to help tell a more complete story compared to stepping on the scale once a week.

My plan is to report my weight on a weekly basis and the other measurements along with photos every 4 weeks, the Friday of my de-loading week.  Along with those, I will be tracking every workout and posting it on here along with my daily caloric and carb intake.

Body Measurements

Weight - 240lbs
Waist - 47"
Chest - 45.5"
Shoulders - 50.5"
Biceps- 14"
Thighs - 24.5"
Calves - 16.5"

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Training Plan

From all the reading I have done, it seems to be common sense that strength training is the best way to burn fat.  That said, for my training plan, I plan on doing the 5/3/1 workout developed by Jim Wendler.  I like the idea behind the training focusing on major compound lifts still gives me the flexibility to do other exercises.  The exercises are more practical strength building and the routine keeps the work outs from becoming monotonous.  Also, I feel this workout fits in with the kaizen principle buy adding weight or reps every workout so you are continually getting stronger and improving.

My current plan is to do 5/3/1 workout 4 days a week:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday.  The compound exercises are standing shoulder press, dead lift, bench press and squat.  I haven't decided completely on which assistance work exercises I plan on doing.  Along with the 5/3/1 workout, at least one day a week I plan to do some yoga (Why Dudes Should Do Yoga) and once the weather warms up I am planning to do some hill sprints a couple times a week on work out days.
Aside from proper nutrition, there’s nothing more effective than hill sprints for fat loss. And if you’re not doing them you’re missing out on huge benefits. Don’t waste your time on cardio machines. They suck. Get outside and find a hill instead.
-Jason Ferrugia, Hill Sprints for Fat Loss
Now that I have a plan set, I went to the gym to find my max weights for the compound exercises.  Seeing as I haven't lifted weights, or exercised really, in 3 years I was expecting pretty low numbers on the max weights.

Standing Shoulder Press - 135lbs
Dead Lift - 275lbs
Bench - 200lbs
Squat - 205lbs

I am not real familiar with what is or isn't a good amount for weight, but I am assuming those are relatively low, although 200lbs is the most weight I have ever bench pressed.

I am planning on tracking my training weights, sets and reps on this blog every time I train and looking forward to seeing those numbers improve.  If you are interested in the 5/3/1 workout, you can see the FAQ's here or do a google search and download the book for free.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Food/Nutrition Plan

From everything I have read, diet is the most important thing to change to improve my health and getting into better shape.  Anyone that knows me knows that I have a terrible diet.  The worse a food is for you, the more I like it.  The more processes the better.  This has always been the most challenging part of this process for me in the past.

This time around I am taking a two fold approach to my based off the article, 2 Ways to Lose Fat, Only 1 Way to get Ripped.

I am planning on eating better foods.  Grass fed beef, wild caught fish, along with more vegetables.  But working in an office presents one with many temptations throughout the week, so I will also being counting calories. This not only keeps me in check for the slip ups, it also will encourage me to eat better food that along with helping me lose fat will increase my overall health.

I am going to set my calorie limit at 10x my body weight and starting out limiting my carb intake to 100-125g per day.  I will also being including a cheat day once a week, most likely Saturdays.

I am hoping this two prong attack at nutrition and food will help me make long term changes.